Friday, March 6, 2009

Tips That Can Come Handy In RECESSION

The number one story everywhere is the downturn in the economy. It's talked about in restaurants, and grocery stores. It's in newspapers and magazines. Even "Happy Hour" is filled with the doom and gloom of the "R" word. RECESSION.

First of all lets see What Recession exactly means.
Technically speaking if the GDP of a country decreases for two successive quaters it is said that the country is going through a recession period.

I've been talking to sales people and small business owners who are just trying to hang on and get through the toughest times they've ever seen. In response to this, I've come up with the following essentials to move ahead during the recession.

1. Mind your attitude. It's so easy to get sucked down into the negative. People who are grumbling and griping are going nowhere fast. Trust me on this. Watch your posture. Stand tall with out spine aligned, shoulders back and head erect. It's not only healthy for you, you'll look better and feel better too.

2. Get to know your competition. Have you done a competitor analysis within the last six months? Do it now. Secret shop them. If you'll be recognized get a friend or relative to do it for you. What are they doing differently? How can you do it better?

3. Be the source of information and answers to your customers. Become their expert for dealing with the challenges they are feeling from the stressed economy.

4. Move faster. Now is not the time to be wringing your hands and worrying about what to do. Now is the time for action. Get to networking events. Visit your prospects. Be upbeat. Offer value added services. "Being there" is a key factor in getting the business.

5. Go to "You U". Take advantage of every opportunity to learn more. Attend free tale-seminars and webinars. Get to your local chamber events. Read more. Watch the news less (it's depressing).

The fact is the recession isn't going away anytime soon. Economic Experts predict the downturn in the economy is going to continue till 2010 end. According to me its the best time for students not to hurry in jobs but continue with their studies , and chose such courses that they complete them in mid 2011 may be.(its just a personal opinion)

People who Roar don't stand around and wait for things to happen. They don't whine. They look for ways to be better and more productive. Taking positive action every day will make you feel better. When you feel better you can do more, do it faster and more effectively. Taking positive steps everyday for you and your customers will not only help you, your customers will notice you. 

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